
ワッフル食べ比べとシソジュース,自家製豆乳ヨーグルト2種 / Comparing the taste of waffle ・red-perilla juice,and 2 kind of home-made soy yoguret

It’s became hot since the day before yesterday, are you fine?

Last night I got fresh vegetables from home, there was a lot of red-perilla. Then I made Perilla juice. I like the color very much. It’s easy to make.  1)Put teared red-perilla into boiling water. 2)Boil it 5-10min. 3)Put out the leaves and squeeze. 4)Add sugar. 5) Add sodium citrate. (Their rate was below: the leaves : suger: sodium citrate=1:3:1/10)
That’s all! It is good for your health especially in this season.

As for my experiment about cake using rice powder, I made waffle yesterday morning.
One was made from strong flour and weak frour. Compared to this, the other was made from rice powder. Other ingredients were same. As a result, latter was so crispy (ぱりっと、in Japanese) and inside was so sticky (もっちりと、in Japanese) , I thought that they were at their best when they were hot from pan.

Left side was from flour, right side was from rice powder.
The skillet was not for waffle, but the recipe of dough was for waffle.
soymilk-sake lees yougret
And I was very happy to go well making yoguret of soymilk. I tried 2 way. Both of them came out well. How to make those...next time.
soymilk yougret

mint, which I grow

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  2. 自家製豆乳ヨーグルト難しくなければ作ってみたい!

  3. みゆちゃん、コメントあがとう。自家製ヨーグルトは、瓶の煮沸消毒さえしてしまえば簡単だよー。私は試したことないけど、電子レンジで滅菌する方法もあるようです。今朝も、ベーグルを焼いた後の余熱で発酵させました☆今回は分量も計ったので、アップします。
